Nicolle Graciela

“A Mother’s Treasure is her Daughter” – Catherine Pulsifer

I can”t agree more. She is my Treasure. My True Love. My Spirit. My Everything..

Nicolle's Birth 008

Here is my Nicolle. My 2nd born. My 1st baby Girl i’ve always wanted. She was born on November 29th, 2005 at Pondok Indah Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. 10 years after her Brother was born. The delivery process was quick and smooth. I had the best Obgyn i could ever ask , Dr. Bramundito. He was very cooperating, very patient and always answered when ever i texted him.

Her ful name is Nicolle Graciela Putri Wijaya. Both her Grand Mothers put the name together. My Mother named her Nicolle Graciela, and My Mother in Law gave the name Putri which in Indonesian means “a princess / a girl / a daughter”. And Wijaya is her father’s name.

She loved Ballet when she was 6.

She choosed Taekwondo for her sport at the same time..Won a trophy, and changed it Swimming.



She started Gymnastic when she was 11 and felt in love with it.

IMG-20180624-WA0060  Bangkok Moose Game 2018


And started Taekwondo again at school in 7th grade, with the Green Belt now.


My daughter is gong to be a teenager in 3 month. Time flies so fast that sometimes i wish i could stop it for a while..
